Pre-Tryout Clinics
Clinic #1 - Sept. 18 - All Skills Clinic
Clinic #2 - Sept. 25 - Offensive Skills Clinic Clinic #3 - Oct. 3 - Defensive Skills Clinic Clinic #4 - Oct. 10 - Open Gym Clinic #5 - Oct. 17 - Challenge Clinic Clinic #6 - Oct. 24 - Tryout Warmup |
Clinic #1 - Sept. 16 - All Skills Clinic
Clinic #2 - Sept. 23 - Offensive Skills Clinic Clinic #3 - Oct. 1 - Defensive Skills Clinic Clinic #4 - Oct. 8 - Open Gym Clinic #5 - Oct. 15 - Challenge Clinic Clinic #6 - Oct. 22 - Tryout Warmup |
All Pre-Tryout Clinics will be at
Legacy VTC
601 Gravois Bluffs Blvd G,
Fenton, MO 63026
601 Gravois Bluffs Blvd G,
Fenton, MO 63026
Doors open 30 minutes prior to the start of the clinics.
314 VBC will offer six pre-tryout clinics for each age group. These clinics are great opportunities for players to continue to develop their skills and techniques while also allowing players and parents to get to know our coaches and to get a better feel for our club heading into tryouts. The format for the clinics is described below.
All Skills Clinic (Clinics #1)
Our positional skills clinics will include instruction for the primary positions of defensive specialist/Libero, setter, pin hitter, and middle hitter. Players will have the opportunity to build and refine skills in their chosen position(s) and explore new positions if they would like. Clinic #1 will cover all skills and the next clinics will build on this higher level clinic by focusing on the offensive aspects specific to each position (Clinic #2) and then the defensive aspects of these positions (Clinic #3). The clinic content will be age and skill level specific, and skill instructions will progress at appropriate levels from one clinic to the next.
Positional Clinics (Clinics #2 and #3)
Our positional skills clinics will include instruction for the primary positions of defensive specialist/Libero, setter, pin hitter, and middle hitter. Players will have the opportunity to build and refine skills in their chosen position(s) and explore new positions if they would like. Clinic #1 will focus on the offensive aspects specific to each position and Clinic #2 will focus on the defensive aspects of these positions. The clinic content will be age and skill level specific, and skill instructions will progress at appropriate levels from one clinic to the next.
Open Gym (Clinic #4)
After working on the various skills our open gym changes the pace a bit by allowing the players to practice these skills in scrimmages setup to be more open play. The open gym will start with a few structured warm up and practice drills and then the players will be divided into groups for scrimmages. The scrimmage structure will be a little less structured than the normal scrimmages at the end of other clinics. This approach will provide players the opportunity to either try multiple positions or to stick with positions they are more familiar with.
Challenge Clinic (Clinic #5)
After the more open format of the Open Gym, our Challenge Clinic will build upon the skill clinics by incorporating more game-like situations and competitions. This format will allow the players to continue working on their skills while being challenged in situations designed to simulate those they will face in matches. Players will compete in various multi-player drills and 6-vs-6 scrimmages.
Tryout Warmup (Clinic #6)
Our final clinic will be a tryout warmup. The format will resemble that of our actual tryouts, allowing players to become familiar with the structure and content they will experience during tryout weekend.
Forms and Fees
Click on the buttons above to register for the clinics and for the waiver.
Please complete the registration form AND the 314 VBC Waiver above. The registration is on-line and does not need to be printed. The waiver must also be signed for each player. If you signed one previously for a Summer Camp or Open Gym, you do not need to sign another (one waiver covers all 2024 summer camps, open gyms, and clinics).
Please print, sign, and bring the waiver with you to your first clinic.
Forms will also be available at the door.
Fee $25/session - pay at the door
Please print, sign, and bring the waiver with you to your first clinic.
Forms will also be available at the door.
Fee $25/session - pay at the door
All applicable Coronavirus guidelines will be implemented at the open gyms.